Monday, September 11, 2006


Woke up late again. Feels like fall, crisp and cool. Still wearing shorts though. “That’s a marmot!” Nice-sized marmot makes it’s way across sunny rock face on Bennett Ave., as Cara and I go to post office to pick up package that could have easily been delivered to the apartment since half a dozen others were already. Jewish kids play touch football next to the Hebrew school on Bennett Ave., which is closed during the day so they can use it as a playground. Who’s the tailor who manufactures the traditional black waistcoats and wide brim fedora hats the male Hasidic Jews wear? Downtown. Small memorial service at Southwest corner of Central Park at Columbus Square. Chinese choral group sings Burt Bacharach’s What The World Needs Now. Dada exhibit at MoMa. L.H.O.O.Q. in person. Somewhat overwhelming amount of material to digest. Check out printmaking show, 2000-present. Disgusted by inclusion of a banal Eminem print that looks like something from a fans myspace page. Love work by street artist Swoon. Eat a burger at some deli near Times Square. This area is the worst place to get something to eat. HM clothing store. New British clothing franchise like Old Navy but not for fat people, so clothing actually fits. Find underwear like I bought in Australia. My feet are killing me. Think I have a bone growth on right foot. Allergies. Feel hot and tired. 6pm. Go to YMCA and change. Run all the way around Central Park. Think about Olmstead and vision. Hard hard hard to believe this was farmland at one point. Filled with runners, cyclists, pedestrians, and cars. A statue of Alexander Hamilton. The now-empty outdoor pool. A nice hill climb. Trees! So goddamn beautiful this time of evening. Back at YMCA and into the gym to do abdominals for half an hour. Steam and sauna then meet Cara, who has also run the entire park. Have a burrito. Go see Factotum. Drinking has never looked so unappealing but the film has a nice sweet pace and sly, wry humor. All day long looked for the unity in the faces of those around me. The significance of this day. Strange to be here and see how time has moved forward. Bush was here the day before. All the mess in the world from that original date forward and people are carrying on… as life goes on. As it does. “Five years after the Civil War did people act like nothing happened?” This place has a strong proud face and yet I’m sure almost everyone had it on their mind today.


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