Sunday, October 01, 2006

Today was Cara’s big day. She ran the half marathon in Central Park, starting off the race in what can only be described as a monsoon. Thousands of runners were there from all over the world, so there’s nothing like a race this size to make you feel like you’re a lazy slob for being a spectator. Also lame was my camera battery died right then. To make up for it I swam two-miles and then met Cara at the finish… or almost did. She finished earlier than expected! She’s been training for this so hard and so long, I knew she’d do great. So while I was waiting for her to cross the finish, she was actually waiting for me already. I decided I run whatever race was coming up next so I didn’t get left out. Afterwards we celebrated by eating burgers at Jackson Hole that were size horrifying. Later, on the way home, a developmentally disabled fellow say down next to us at the subway platform, and after telling us about his Tae Kwan Do class decides to put the Mack on Cara, telling her how nice her legs were and encouring her to feel how big his arm muscle was, which she did. We also ran into her friend Sally who lives on 135th. I spent the rest of the day getting ready for an interview at a temp agency on Monday morning. Nothing worse that realizing your resume needs an overhaul the night before you show it off. So I knuckled down and did it.


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