It was cold, wet and a generally a rotten day for a parade. Nevertheless I met Cara down by the YMCA to watch a bit of the action and spectacle. I’ve never been much of a parade person but after moving here the size of these events has inspired me to actually enjoy these mass gatherings.
Due to wind conditions and a continuing menace to public safety, those giant balloons where forced to hover off the ground which gave the impression that the monstrous Ronald McDonald and Garfield were eagerly trying to scoop up bystanders for immediate consumption. Did I mention corporate overtones? Nothing like super-sized product placement. Only thing missing was the giant Charmin roll of toilet paper.
Later that afternoon after working out, we had some guests over and devoured three delicious roasted chickens from La Carnidad (my bastardized take on the restaurants name) and a huge pile of rice and beans.
Strangely enough the fellow who broke into our neighbor’s apartment showed up to try and make an apology to us by sneaking into our building by following one of our guests, who was returning from a smoke break. Cara just told him she wasn’t interested and shut the door on his face. I went back out in the hall to watch him, shoulders drooped, leaving the building. It was a risky move on his part considering he has a police order not to even come near here.
I can understand his desire to make amends on Thanksgiving. It seemed a sincere, if not misguided attempt to right a wrong. Regardless, I was left with mixed impressions and decided not to reach any conclusions. He upset Cara and that was reason enough not to indulge his request.
you make me laugh
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