Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Went to lunch with my co-worker Justine at the title’s namesake off 14th and 6th, and while standing in line notice Paul Dano is a couple people behind us. Once again, as with Natalie Portman the other day, he sees me seeing him and… anyway, he sits down to eat and some girls coming out of the restroom say something to him and leave all giggly. He was pretty mellow about it and so on the down low that he blended right in with the rest of the urban soup with his backpack and flat ass. I totally forgot he was in L.I.E. when he was just an adolescent.

About five minutes after he leaves Wallace Shawn (bottom) walks in as I happen to be heading to the bathroom, and I hear him thank the counter person which was exactly like hearing him in a movie. Same exact persona. Justine didn’t know who he was so I asked the obvious question, “Did you see The Princess Bride? He’s the character who keeps saying ‘Inconceivable!’” She got it right away. Then some French guy sitting near us is wondering what we’re talking about so I go and explain the whole situation and end up talking about The Fever and trying to explain it, which was almost impossible.

I’m the worst paparazzi ever.


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