Friday, May 25, 2007

This happened a couple times about a week ago, and it’s worth noting because this city is so damn big, and has so many people, that the odds of it happening are somewhat staggering to me with all the variables that have to happen for it to occur.

The first time I was on the platform at the 14th St. station and saw someone I knew. I have an excellent memory for faces, it’s really quite odd, and I’ve learned not to doubt that I’m seeing who I think I’m seeing. I knew she lived here, I’ve known for quite some time. Anyway, she started walking down the platform and I followed her, thinking she might get the impression I was stalking her or something. She finally stopped and I hemmed and hawed about saying anything and finally approached her.

“You have a brother named Brian don’t you?”

She was caught off guard. I told her I knew her dad too and introduced myself. She remembered me, or at least knew who I was. The last time we had met was when she was probably 14, she was finishing swim practice with her team when I showed up for the lap swim hours following. Her dad was on deck, we’ve swum together for years and he introduced me to her. Over the years he’s told me about her living in NYC, graduating from art school and becoming Kiki Smith’s assistant. Needless to say we caught up on all this while we shared a train ride. She looks just like her dad and her brother, and even after all these years it was unmistakable, even though she must be 22 now.

The second time was a couple days later. I was on the corner of 19th and 6th and recognized the guy standing next to me as someone in the publishing industry who used to do work with my old firm back in Seattle. We never talked that much back then, but I introduced myself again and he remembered me. We talked for a block or two; he was just in town on business.

Twice in once week. Amazing to me.


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