When I was in Rome, and in particular at the Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, my attention was quickly caught by a series of bas reliefs grimly titled Doors of Death on one of the doors (above) to the entrance of the Church. Intense, foreboding and thoroughly modern, the art only seemed out of place in it’s contemporary rendering.
Today while wandering in midtown by the Rockefeller Center I noticed another relief (The Immigrant) that bore a striking similarity in style, only to find it was indeed by the same artist whose work I had seen before, Giacomo Manzù. From there to here, through travel and impression, it was a kind of validation through recognition.
Today while wandering in midtown by the Rockefeller Center I noticed another relief (The Immigrant) that bore a striking similarity in style, only to find it was indeed by the same artist whose work I had seen before, Giacomo Manzù. From there to here, through travel and impression, it was a kind of validation through recognition.
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