Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Like the recent election had a cleansing effect on The Republic, I myself have had to undergo a cleaning routine, albeit more frequent and responsive since moving to NYC. I’ve had a neti pot for years, though Seattle generally has pretty good air quality so I didn’t have to use it all that often. Since moving here though there’s no end to the crap that accumulates in my sinuses. In general the traffic is a lot more dense and my impression is airborne caca tends to stick around if it’s not raining, which is hasn’t been doing all that often. Once I wake I hit the sink, filling my pot and adding about a teaspoon of salt then running the concoction through my sinuses, in one nostril and out the other. The initial effect is almost better than cup of coffee, waking me up lickity split. The better, more long-term affect is I haven’t been sick since I moved here. With the seasons changing and more people packing the subways with illness, it’s going to be de rigeur to take every precaution necessary to avoid catching whatever new germ is likely to start showing up anytime soon.


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