Monday, September 25, 2006

Never to bed before 2 A.M. Still on West Coast time. Wake at 10 A.M. Take a daily morning bath and read. What I read. The Ice Limit by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child. Purchased for 25¢ in West Village. Two of my favorite authors. The New York Times. I now subscribe. Again. Fortean Times. Downtown every day. Exercise every day. Eat at Burritoville regularly. YMCA has cheapest fresh vegetable juice. Wheatgrass shots in various health food stores. Photographing subway tunnels. Stalagmites and stalactites are forming. Police in subway tunnels. Searching bags. Forget that the U.N. is in New York. I’m pleased by the remarks of Hugo Chavez. "It still smells of sulphur today." Beautiful regional apples at organic farmers market on West Side. Names like Northern Spy and Devoes. Tap water tastes good. Wear shorts all the time. Worst case of athlete’s foot ever.