Thursday, November 30, 2006

Convenient and healthy, the self-service food tables at Whole Foods (as seen from the way out above) in the Time Warner building are at first a logical choice for eating in the mid-town area. Unfortunately, at 8.95lb, you’d better limit your selections to light items like lettuce and parsley sprigs. I’ve twice made the mistake now of sampling the Indian foods and it’s been a hard lesson to find that anything wet like okra or chicken curry tips the scales way over into the cost-prohibitive section. Nothing like being extremely hungry and paying twelve bucks for a bowl of mixed items to make you feel like an idiot for caring what goes into your body. It’s also the only place I’ve ever seen that sells slices of pizza by the pound. Smart dining choices shouldn’t be limited to those with huge salaries. If these guys really gave a shit about people’s health and well being they’d should develop a conscience about making food more available to working class people to narrow the appeal of 99¢ value menus at MacDonald’s.